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Faroe Islands Country Guide

Explore Faroe Islands in Europe

Faroe Islands with the capital city Tórshavn is located in Europe (Northern Europe, island group between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean). It covers some 1,399 square kilometres (eight times the size of Washington, DC) with 48,228 citizens.

Interactive map of Faroe Islands

The topography includes rugged, rocky, some low peaks with cliffs along most of coast. The average density of population is approximately 34 per km². The notable climate conditions in Faroe Islands can be described as mild winters, cool summers with usually overcast and foggy, windy. Possible natural disasters include NA.

To reach someone in Faroe Islands dial +298 prior to a number. There are 20,900 installed telephones. And there are 57,000 registered mobile phones. The cellular networks commonly support frequencies of 900 MHz. Websites registered in this country end with the top level domain ".fo". If you want to bring electric equipment on your trip (e.g. laptop power supply), note the local power outlet of 220V - 50Hz.

About the flag and history of Faroe Islands

Faroe Islands Flag Icon

White with a red cross outlined in blue extending to the edges of the flag; the vertical part of the cross is shifted toward the hoist side in the style of the Dannebrog (Danish flag); referred to as Merkid, meaning "the banner" or "the mark," the flag resembles those of neighboring Iceland and Norway, and uses the same three colors - but in a different sequence; white represents the clear Faroese sky as well as the foam of the waves; red and blue are traditional Faroese colors.

The population of the Faroe Islands is largely descended from Viking settlers who arrived in the 9th century. The islands have been connected politically to Denmark since the 14th century. A high degree of self-government was granted the Faroese in 1948, who have autonomy over most internal affairs while Denmark is responsible for justice, defense, and foreign affairs. The Faroe Islands are not part of the European Union.

National administrative regions of Faroe Islands

Geography Quick-Facts

SummaryContinent: Europe
Capital: Tórshavn
Size1,399 square kilometers (km² or sqkm) or 540 square miles (mi² or sqmi)
eight times the size of Washington, DC
CurrencyName Krone, Currency Code:DKK
Country Top Level Domain (cTLD).fo
Telephone Country Prefix+298
Mobile Phone Connections57,000
Landline Phone Connections20,900

Country Position in World Rankings

Information about single country attributes and how these compare against the rest of the world. The information below is compiled with data from 2013. As such, it may differ a bit to the Information above in the text (which is from 2010).


Value nameValueWorld Rank
Area1,393 (sq km)183

People and Society

Value nameValueWorld Rank
Population49,709 210
Population growth rate0.47 (%)153
Birth rate13.36 (births/1,000 population)149
Death rate8.67 (deaths/1,000 population)74
Infant mortality rate5.82 (deaths/1,000 live births)175
Life expectancy at birth79.98 (years)35
Total fertility rate2.39 (children born/woman)87
Unemployment, youth ages 15-249.40 (%)111


Value nameValueWorld Rank
GDP (purchasing power parity)1,471,000,000 197
GDP - real growth rate2.90 (%)112
GDP - per capita (PPP)30,500 49
Labor force34,710 203
Unemployment rate6.80 (%)72
Taxes and other revenues44.20 (% of GDP)30
Budget surplus (+) or deficit (-)-11.90 (% of GDP)210
Inflation rate (consumer prices)2.30 (%)42
Industrial production growth rate3.40 (%)81
Exports824,000,000 163
Imports776,000,000 185
Debt - external888,800,000 162


Value nameValueWorld Rank
Electricity - production280,300,000 (kWh)172
Electricity - consumption268,800,000 (kWh)178
Electricity - installed generating capacity100,100 (kW)169
Electricity - from fossil fuels64.90 (% of total installed capacity)129
Electricity - from hydroelectric plants31.00 (% of total installed capacity)74
Electricity - from other renewable sources4.10 (% of total installed capacity)43
Refined petroleum products - consumption4,871 (bbl/day)171
Refined petroleum products - imports4,859 (bbl/day)158
Carbon dioxide emissions from consumption of energy744,400 (Mt)174


Value nameValueWorld Rank
Telephones - main lines in use20,200 189
Telephones - mobile cellular59,400 198
Internet hosts7,575 140
Internet users37,500 176


Value nameValueWorld Rank
Airports1 215
Roadways463 (km)196
Merchant marine37 79

Data based on CIA facts book 2010 & 2013, wikipedia, national statistical offices and their census releases

List of current world heritage sites
