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Nangarhar in Afghanistan
Directory of places beginning with "P"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "P" in the region of Nangarhar in Afghanistan. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Afghanistan in the navigation on the left side.
- Pa Khel
- Pa Khel
- Pachir
- Pachir wa Agam
- Pakhah Menah
- Pakhar Koruna
- Palotsay
- Palwaray
- Pan Sar Kelay
- Panangzai
- Panj-Ukhla
- Papin
- Parchao
- Parjinah
- Pas Kala
- Pashahi Ghundey
- Patiray
- Pawkamha
- Payendah Khel
- Paytow
- Perawur
- Perzi
- Pesha
- Pesheusanu-Khula
- Pira Khel
- Pishdare
- Pitaw
- Pitaw
- Pitaw
- Pitlah
- Pori Kelay
- Pursha Khel