Directory of places beginning with "C"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "C" in the region of Catamarca in Argentina. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Argentina in the navigation on the left side.
- Caballa
- Cachiyuyo
- Canada Larga
- Canada de Ipizca
- Canada de Paez
- Candelaria
- Capayan
- Capillitas
- Cara Cienaga
- Carrizal
- Casa Armada
- Casa de Piedra
- Casa de Piedra
- Caspichango
- Cerro Negro
- Chacra del Mistol
- Chanar Laguna
- Chanaritos
- Chaquiago
- Chilca
- Choya
- Choya
- Choya Viejo
- Chuchucaruana
- Chumbicha
- Cienaguita
- Collagasta
- Colpes
- Comedero
- Concepcion
- Concepcion
- Condorhuasi
- Coneta
- Copacabana
- Copetonas
- Cordobita
- Cortaderas
- Costa de los Reyes
- Culampaja