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Monte Plata in Dominican Republic
Directory of places beginning with "B"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "B" in the region of Monte Plata in Dominican Republic. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Dominican Republic in the navigation on the left side.
- Babieca
- Babieca
- Balsa Mala
- Barrero
- Batey Altagracia
- Batey Ara
- Batey Buena Vista
- Batey Carabela
- Batey Cojobal
- Batey El Cano
- Batey Enriquillo
- Batey Esperanza
- Batey Frias
- Batey Galeano
- Batey Jolupo
- Batey La Guazuma
- Batey La Luisa
- Batey Las Charcas
- Batey Las Mayas
- Batey Las Mayitas
- Batey Los Jovillos
- Batey Los Lanos
- Batey Luna
- Batey Mejia
- Batey Nuevo
- Batey Nuevo
- Batey Nuevo
- Batey Piraco
- Batey Rincon Claro
- Batey Sabana Larga de Cojobal
- Batey San Antonio
- Batey San Jose
- Batey Santa Rosa
- Batey Yagua
- Batey Zapote
- Bayaguana
- Bejuco Colorado
- Bermejo
- Bernardino
- Blas Nunez
- Buena Vista
- Buenos Aires
- Buenos Aires