Directory of places beginning with "C"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "C" in the region of Azuay in Ecuador. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Ecuador in the navigation on the left side.
- Cabuncata
- Cacarrumi
- Cachanlo de Sidcay
- Cachaulo de Machangara
- Cachi
- Cachiguaico
- Cachipamba
- Cachipamba
- Caguanshum Chico
- Caguashum Grande
- Caiguas
- Cajas
- Caldera
- Caledonias
- Caliguina
- Callancay
- Callejon
- Calug
- Calvario
- Calvario
- Camara
- Camilo Ponce Enriquez
- Campanaguaico
- Canalaurco
- Canaribamba
- Canaro
- Cancay
- Canoa
- Cantagallo
- Capareac
- Capilla Mauta
- Capillapamba
- Capulicrin
- Capzhua
- Cariacu
- Carishao
- Carlos Ordonez Lazo
- Casadel
- Cashapata
- Caspi-Corral
- Cauquil
- Cebollar
- Cedropamba
- Celel
- Celis
- Cerro Alto
- Cerro Negro
- Chacahuizho
- Chacanceo
- Chacapamba
- Chacarrumi
- Chaguan
- Chaguarloma
- Chalcalo
- Chalcapa
- Chapar
- Chapeguaico
- Chapeton
- Chaquilcay
- Charon
- Chasquin
- Chaucan
- Chaucha
- Chauliayacu
- Chaulla
- Chaullamba
- Chaupihacienda
- Chaupitranca
- Chavalula
- Checa
- Chequero
- Chican
- Chicaptire
- Chicticay
- Chiguan
- Chilcapamba
- Chilla
- Chilla
- Chimul
- Chinipata
- Chiquiac
- Chiquintad
- Chituca
- Chivilin
- Chobsi
- Chocar
- Chocar
- Chordeleg
- Chorro Grande
- Chorroblanco
- Chorrohuaico
- Chucar
- Chulo
- Chumblin
- Chunasana
- Chunucari
- Chuqui
- Churugudo
- Coca
- Cochaloma
- Cochapamba
- Cochapamba
- Cochapata
- Cochatos
- Collay Chico
- Collay Grande
- Compania
- Copchal
- Copte
- Corazari
- Cordero Palacios
- Corral Guayco
- Corralpamba
- Cosacopte
- Cristal
- Cruz Maria
- Cruzloma
- Cruzloma
- Cruzloma
- Cruzpamba
- Cuarpanche
- Cuchil
- Cuchiloma
- Cuchipamba
- Cuchipirca
- Cuchipirca
- Cuenca
- Culasti
- Culcul
- Culebrillas
- Culqui
- Culticay
- Cumbe
- Curi Tarqui
- Curiloma
- Curin
- Cuscudoma
- Cusho
- Cutchil
- Cutiloma
- Cuypamba