Directory of places beginning with "H"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "H" in the region of Oromiya Region in Ethiopia. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Ethiopia in the navigation on the left side.
- Haboshe
- Habro
- Hach'o
- Hagere Hiywet
- Hagere Maryam
- Haji
- Hak'uli
- Hale
- Halk'o
- Halo
- Halo
- Halo
- Halute
- Hama
- Hama Wuch'ale
- Hamaresa
- Hamaresa
- Hamaresa
- Hamus Gebeya
- Hamus Gebeya
- Hamus Gebeya
- Harawach'a
- Harbona
- Harbu
- Harbu
- Harbu Koruma
- Hardin
- Hare Dimtu
- Harele
- Harere
- Harew
- Harewo
- Hargisa
- Haritu
- Harjo
- Harkiso
- Haro
- Haro
- Haro
- Haro
- Haro
- Haro
- Haro
- Haro Boki
- Haro Dobo
- Harota
- Haru
- Haseliso
- Haseliso
- Hashim
- Hawale
- Hawiya
- Hawuya Guda
- Haydro
- Hayu
- Hayu
- He'i Gurumu
- Hebeno
- Hebeno
- Hefo
- Heko
- Hench'ar
- Herdim
- Het'o
- Het'o Bekeri
- Hindeysa
- Hine
- Hirna
- Hoba
- Hoda Mela
- Hoghiso
- Hoho
- Hole
- Hole
- Hole
- Homi
- Hore
- Horo
- Horo
- Hose
- Hubo
- Hugiuba Haiccio
- Hula
- Huluk'o
- Huluk'o
- Hulul
- Hulul
- Hululo
- Humu
- Hunt'e
- Hurbu
- Huru
- Hurumu
- Huruta
- Huruta
- Huruta
- Huse