Directory of places beginning with "P"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "P" in the region of Brandenburg in Germany. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Germany in the navigation on the left side.
- Paalzow
- Paaren im Glien
- Pabstthum
- Pademack
- Pagram
- Pahlsdorf
- Pankeborn
- Papenberge
- Papenbruch
- Papierfabrik
- Papitz
- Paplitz
- Papproth
- Paradies
- Paretz
- Parey
- Parlow
- Parmen
- Parstein
- Paserin
- Passow
- Patz
- Paulinenaue
- Paulinenhof
- Paulshof
- Paulshof
- Paulshorst
- Pausin
- Pawesin
- Pechhutte
- Pechhutte
- Pechhutte
- Pechule
- Peetzig
- Pehlitz
- Peickwitz
- Peitz
- Peitzendorf
- Pelkwitz
- Pelzkuhl
- Penzlin
- Perleberg
- Perlhof
- Pernitz
- Perwenitz
- Pessin
- Petersdorf
- Petersdorf
- Petersdorf
- Petershagen
- Petershagen
- Petershagen
- Petershain
- Petkus
- Petznick
- Petzow
- Pfaffendorf
- Pfalzheim
- Pfingstberg
- Pflugkuff
- Philadelphia
- Philippsthal
- Phoben
- Pian
- Pickel
- Pieskow
- Pieskow
- Piessig
- Pillgram
- Pinnow
- Pinnow
- Pinnow
- Pinnow
- Pinnow
- Pinnower Schleuse
- Pirow
- Pitschen
- Pittchenmuhle
- Planitz
- Platenhof
- Platkow
- Plattenburg
- Plattkow
- Platzfelde
- Plaue
- Plauerhof
- Plessa
- Plessa Sud
- Plessow
- Plieskendorf
- Plotzenhof
- Plotzin
- Podelzig
- Pohlitz
- Poley
- Polssen
- Polzen
- Ponitz
- Ponnsdorf
- Poratz
- Porep
- Posedin
- Postlin
- Potsdam
- Potsdam
- Potzlow
- Pozern
- Pradikow
- Praesidentenmuehle
- Pramsdorf
- Prebelow
- Prebelower Breite
- Preddohl
- Preilack
- Premnitz
- Premsdorf
- Premslin
- Prenden
- Prensdorf
- Prenzlau
- Preschen
- Presenchen
- Prestewitz
- Pretschen
- Preussnitz
- Priedel
- Prieros
- Prierosbruck
- Prierow
- Prieschka
- Priessen
- Prietzen
- Priort
- Priort Siedlung
- Pritzen
- Pritzerbe
- Pritzhagen
- Pritzwalk
- Proschim
- Prosen
- Prosenkolonie
- Prossmarke
- Prottlin
- Protzel
- Protzen
- Prutzke
- Pudel
- Pulsberg
- Putlitz
- Puttgolla