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Oio in Guinea-Bissau
Directory of places beginning with "C"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "C" in the region of Oio in Guinea-Bissau. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Guinea-Bissau in the navigation on the left side.
- Ca Cumba
- Ca Mamadu
- Ca Quebo
- Ca Sanima
- Cai
- Cama
- Camalem
- Cambajo
- Cancunco
- Canfanda
- Canico
- Canico
- Canico Tumana
- Canjaja Mandinga
- Canjambari
- Canjambari Morocunda
- Canjanco
- Cansambo
- Cansenha
- Cansonco Fula
- Cantaco
- Capol
- Casa Nova
- Cate
- Caurba
- Caurdim
- Chale
- Changalana
- Changue
- Changue Bedeta
- Chile
- Chombe
- Chompundo
- Chumbume
- Claque
- Clonque
- Coduco
- Coli Sare
- Colimansacunda
- Concolim
- Confandinto
- Contuba
- Contubo
- Cossiba
- Cossicunto
- Crescimo
- Cubane
- Cuboi
- Cuboi
- Cuboi
- Cubonge
- Cucuto
- Cudana
- Cufar
- Cufeu
- Cumbija
- Cumbule
- Cunhoncome
- Cuntima
- Cussanja
- Cutia