Directory of places beginning with "H"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "H" in the region of Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen in Hungary. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Hungary in the navigation on the left side.
- Hajdutanya
- Hajnalostanya
- Halaskadulo
- Halasto
- Halasto
- Halastodulo
- Halistendomb
- Halmaj
- Hanalyatanya
- Hancatelep
- Hangacs
- Hangony
- Haragistya
- Haromhuta
- Harsany
- Harsasimalom
- Hatartanya
- Hegedustanya
- Hegymeg
- Hejce
- Hejobaba
- Hejokeresztur
- Hejokurt
- Hejopapi
- Hejoszalonta
- Hercegkut
- Hercegtanya
- Hernadbud
- Hernadcece
- Hernadkak
- Hernadkercs
- Hernadnemeti
- Hernadpetri
- Hernadszentandras
- Hernadszurdok
- Hernadvecse
- Het
- Hidasnemeti
- Hidegkut
- Hidegoltvanyos
- Hidegvolgytanya
- Hidvegardo
- Hollohaza
- Homrogd
- Horvath-fele Tanya
- Horvathtanya
- Hosszuvolgy
- Hubaytanya
- Hubaytelep
- Hujadulo
- Huppontanya
- Huzadulo