Directory of places beginning with "B"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "B" in the region of Csongrad in Hungary. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Hungary in the navigation on the left side.
- Babahegy
- Baks
- Baksiret
- Balastya
- Balastyaitanyak
- Balatan
- Banomhegy
- Barattya
- Baromjarasi Iskola
- Batida
- Belsocsongraddulo
- Belsodulo
- Belsoecser
- Belsoszollok
- Benetanya
- Berek
- Berekhat
- Bereklapos
- Bodorszek
- Bogarzo
- Bogarzoi Tanyak
- Bogarzotanya
- Bogarzotanya
- Bojtartelep
- Bokeny
- Bokeny
- Bokros
- Bokrospartitanyak
- Bordany
- Bordanydulo
- Borosszek
- Borotvastelep
- Bovehalom