Directory of places beginning with "B"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "B" in the region of Gyor-Moson-Sopron in Hungary. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Hungary in the navigation on the left side.
- Babot
- Baditzmajor
- Baditztag
- Bagyogszovat
- Bakonygyirot
- Bakonypeterd
- Bakonyszentlaszlo
- Ballatag
- Baloghpuszta
- Baratfold
- Barbacs
- Barczafelsomajor
- Bartanya
- Bartatanya
- Bazitag
- Bejczitag
- Bekkpuszta
- Beled
- Belso Malom
- Belsolajtamajor
- Berekmajor
- Betlehempuszta
- Bezenye
- Bezi
- Birkashaz
- Bodacstelek
- Bodonhely
- Bodortanya
- Bogyoszlo
- Bokrospuszta
- Bolganypuszta
- Bony
- Borbapuszta
- Borcs
- Borjuduloi Tanyak
- Bormaszpuszta
- Borsoditanya
- Borsodymajor
- Bosarkany
- Bothmerpuszta
- Brennbergbanya