Directory of places beginning with "D"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "D" in the region of Hajdu-Bihar in Hungary. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Hungary in the navigation on the left side.
- Dabotanya
- Dancshazitanya
- Dandetanya
- Darabonttanya
- Darvas
- Darvastanya
- Deaktanya
- Debrecen
- Delihaz
- Delodulo
- Derecske
- Dessewffytanya
- Deszkastanya
- Dezsitanya
- Dezsytanya
- Dinnyes
- Dinnyes
- Dinnyes
- Dinnyeszug
- Disznokut Eszak
- Disznokut Kelet
- Disznokut Nyugat
- Dogospuszta
- Dogter
- Doktortanya
- Dollarresz
- Donko
- Dorogias-Telekfold
- Dozsa Karoly-tanya
- Dozsatanya
- Dudastanya