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Friesland in Netherlands
Directory of places beginning with "N"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "N" in the region of Friesland in Netherlands. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Netherlands in the navigation on the left side.
- Naarderbuorren
- Nes
- Nes
- Nes
- Niawier
- Nieuw Amerika
- Nieuw Buren
- Nieuw Weper
- Nieuwe Bildtdijk
- Nieuwe Bildtzijl
- Nieuwe Vaart
- Nieuwebrug
- Nieuwehorne
- Nieuweschoot
- Nieuwland
- Nij Altoenae
- Nij Beets
- Nijeberkoop
- Nijega
- Nijehaske
- Nijeholtpade
- Nijeholtwolde
- Nijelamer
- Nijemirdum
- Nijetrijne
- Nijezijl
- Nijhuizum
- Nijland
- Noardburgum
- Noordwolde
- Noordwolde-Zuid
- Nykleaster