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Ilocos in Philippines
Directory of places beginning with "V"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "V" in the region of Ilocos in Philippines. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Philippines in the navigation on the left side.
- Vacante
- Valdez
- Valebermoso
- Vandrel
- Ventinella East
- Ventinella West
- Verceles
- Veronica
- Veronica
- Victoria
- Victoria
- Victoria
- Victory
- Viejo
- Viga
- Viga
- Viga
- Vigan
- Vigia
- Vigviga
- Vila
- Vila
- Villa Corta
- Villa Garcia
- Villa Hermosa
- Villa Verde
- Villanueva
- Villarica
- Villasis
- Villegas
- Vintar
- Vira
- Vira
- Visaya
- Vito
- Vitong
- Vocal