Directory of places beginning with "L"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "L" in the region of Joenkoeping in Sweden. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Sweden in the navigation on the left side.
- Lalabo
- Lammarp
- Lammasa
- Landsbro
- Langarekull
- Langarum
- Langasa
- Langhult
- Langhult
- Lango
- Langserum
- Langshult
- Langsjoegle
- Langstorp
- Lanna
- Lappebol
- Larstorp
- Lavekulla
- Lekeryd
- Lemnhult
- Lid
- Lid
- Lida
- Lida
- Lidas
- Lidhult
- Lidstorp
- Lilla Bararyd
- Lilla Barkaryd
- Lilla Bjalkerum
- Lilla Fagerhult
- Lilla Fagraryd
- Lilla Fifflekull
- Lilla Haradsjogle
- Lilla Hult
- Lilla Hultrum
- Lilla Lekeryd
- Lilla Moshult
- Lilla Ojhult
- Lilla Ulvarp
- Lillarp
- Lindefors
- Linderas
- Linderyd
- Lindstad
- Linnas
- Linnas
- Linnas
- Linneryd
- Linnevik
- Lixerum
- Ljunganas
- Ljungberg
- Loaklev
- Lobbo
- Lokaryd
- Lommaryd
- Lonas
- Lonelid
- Lonholmen
- Lopaskog
- Lovas
- Lovas
- Lovhult
- Lovsjo
- Lundby
- Lundby
- Lunnestorp
- Lutarp
- Lutarp
- Luveryd