Directory of places beginning with "N"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "N" in the region of Uppsala in Sweden. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Sweden in the navigation on the left side.
- Nantuna
- Narlinge
- Nas
- Nasby
- Nastuna
- Nederhassla
- Nolmyra
- Nolsterby
- Norby
- Nordangard
- Nordansjo
- Norra Krycklinge
- Norra Skafthammar
- Norrboda
- Norrby
- Norrby
- Norrby
- Norredinge
- Norrkulla
- Norrlovsta
- Norrmossen
- Norrskedika
- Norrstrand
- Norrvissjo
- Norsborg
- Notsveden
- Notto
- Nyboda
- Nyby
- Nyby
- Nyby
- Nyby
- Nyby
- Nyby
- Nydala
- Nysater
- Nysatra
- Nyvalla
- Nyvla