Directory of places beginning with "L"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "L" in the region of Tafea in Vanuatu. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Vanuatu in the navigation on the left side.
- Lahoenuwi
- Laketam
- Lakinasouman
- Laminaora
- Lamoueneuvel
- Lankourou
- Laounalang
- Larouanou
- Laroup
- Lawenata
- Lehunang
- Lelowalo
- Lenakel
- Lenaken
- Lenapouas
- Lenaukas
- Lenepin
- Lenmowet
- Letowaleue
- Letowopom
- Leumanggoviati
- Loameul
- Loanengo
- Loeafi
- Loelafomwa
- Lokearou
- Lomemeti
- Lomteuheakal
- Lomwanapiep
- Lonasilian
- Lonepeyewie
- Loonekiyawileung
- Loonelangat
- Loonelapeun
- Loonoo
- Loouanapouta
- Looukas
- Looukeureus
- Looulooupou
- Looumwanoumwan
- Loounaoula
- Loounapkamey
- Loounapkaulangeus
- Loounapkiko
- Loounatkey
- Loounekaweuk
- Loounemeloupang
- Loouniel
- Loounihm
- Loounimhapeun
- Looutel
- Looutopounga
- Lotapouna
- Loweao
- Lowiteul