Directory of places beginning with "K"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "K" in the region of Elbasan in Albania. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Albania in the navigation on the left side.
- Kabash
- Kacaj
- Kacivel
- Kaferr
- Kajan
- Kalaj
- Kamerllas
- Kamican
- Kamunah
- Kapillanas
- Karakullak
- Karine
- Karkavec
- Karthneke
- Katerlis
- Katesh
- Katjel
- Katund
- Katund
- Katund Plak
- Katundi i Ri
- Kazije
- Kerpice
- Kishtallare
- Kishte
- Klos
- Kocaj
- Kocaj
- Koder-Bujaras
- Kodovjat
- Kodras
- Kodras
- Kokel
- Kokreve
- Kolnekas
- Konaj
- Korb
- Korre
- Kosharisht
- Kosove
- Kostenje
- Kostricani
- Kotke
- Kotodesh
- Kotorr
- Kozan
- Krrabe e Vogel
- Kryezjarth
- Kukucove
- Kukur
- Kullollas
- Kuqan
- Kuqollaret
- Kurate
- Kurtaj
- Kurtalli
- Kusarth
- Kushove
- Kuterman
- Kuterqare