Directory of places beginning with "P"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "P" in the region of Elbasan in Albania. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Albania in the navigation on the left side.
- Pajalle
- Pajenge
- Pajollar
- Pajove
- Pajun
- Panc
- Paper
- Paper-Sallak
- Paraspun
- Pashtresh
- Pasnovisht
- Paulesh
- Pekisht
- Pepaj
- Peqin
- Perike
- Perparim
- Perrenjas
- Perrenjas
- Perrenjas-Fshat
- Petresh
- Pishaj
- Pishaj
- Pishkash
- Plangarice
- Plishtes
- Pobrat
- Polis Vale
- Polis-Gostime
- Polis-Vale
- Polisi i Vogel
- Porocan
- Porrepth
- Pozhak
- Prapanike
- Preca e Poshtme
- Preca e Siperme
- Prevall
- Prodan
- Progem
- Prroi