Directory of places beginning with "B"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "B" in the region of Korce in Albania. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Albania in the navigation on the left side.
- Baban
- Babjen
- Barc
- Bardhez
- Baribardhe
- Barmash
- Bejkove
- Belorta
- Benjez
- Beras
- Bezhan
- Bicke
- Bicke
- Bilisht
- Biranj
- Bishnice
- Bitincke
- Blace
- Bletas
- Blush
- Boboshtice
- Bogdanas
- Borove
- Borsh
- Bos
- Boshanj
- Bracanaj
- Bradvice
- Brakollare
- Bregas
- Brozdovec
- Bubuq
- Bucimas
- Bulagarec
- Buqeze
- Burimas
- Butke
- Buzahishte
- Buzeliqen