Directory of places beginning with "B"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "B" in the region of Shkoder in Albania. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Albania in the navigation on the left side.
- Babot
- Bahcallek
- Bajze
- Baks i Ri
- Baks-Rrjoll
- Barbullush
- Barcolle
- Bardhaj
- Bate
- Belaj
- Beltoje
- Bend
- Bene
- Berdica e Madhe
- Berdica e Mesme
- Berdica e Siperme
- Berdice e Poshtme
- Berisha e Eperme
- Berisha e Vendit
- Berisha e Vogel
- Bicaj
- Bjeshk' e Bregut
- Bleran
- Blerim
- Blinisht
- Boge
- Bogic-Palvar
- Bojaj
- Boks
- Borici i Madh
- Borici i Vogel
- Brashte
- Bratosh
- Breg
- Brigje
- Broje
- Brucaj
- Brucaj
- Brungaj
- Brushtull
- Brut
- Budac
- Bugjon
- Buhot
- Bukmire
- Bushat
- Bushat
- Buze e Ujit
- Buzhale
- Bzhet-Makaj
- Bzheta-Makaj
- Bzhete