Directory of places beginning with "G"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "G" in the region of Aquitaine in France. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from France in the navigation on the left side.
- Gaas
- Gabarliat
- Gabarnac
- Gabarret
- Gabas
- Gabaston
- Gabat
- Gabillou
- Gaffan
- Gageac-et-Rouillac
- Gaillan-en-Medoc
- Gaillaou
- Gailleres
- Gajac
- Galand
- Galapian
- Galgon
- Galinat
- Gamarde-les-Bains
- Gamarthe
- Gammareix
- Gan
- Gans
- Gardegan-et-Tourtirac
- Gardonne
- Garein
- Garindein
- Garlede-Mondebat
- Garlin
- Garos
- Garrey
- Garrigue
- Garris
- Garrosse
- Gastes
- Gastineau
- Gaugeac
- Gaujac
- Gaujacq
- Gaumiers
- Gauriac
- Gauriaguet
- Gavaudun
- Gayon
- Geaune
- Gelos
- Geloux
- Genebriras
- Generac
- Genestal
- Genis
- Genissac
- Gensac
- Georges
- Ger
- Gerderest
- Gere-Belesten
- Geronce
- Gestas
- Geues-d'Oloron
- Geus-d'Arzacq
- Gibret
- Ginestet
- Gironde-sur-Dropt
- Giscos
- Goes
- Gomer
- Gontaud-de-Nogaret
- Goos
- Gornac
- Gotein-Libarrenx
- Goualade
- Goulee
- Gourbera
- Gourette
- Gours
- Gousse
- Goust
- Gout-Rossignol
- Gouts
- Gouze
- Gouze
- Gradignan
- Grand Buc
- Grand Codere
- Grand Ligautenx
- Grand Mas
- Grand Prunier
- Grand Soussans
- Grand-Brassac
- Grand-Castang
- Grands Champs
- Graney
- Granges-d'Ans
- Granges-sur-Lot
- Grateloup-Saint-Gayrand
- Graulet
- Gravelle
- Grayan-et-l'Hopital
- Grayssas
- Grenade-sur-l'Adour
- Gresignac
- Greze
- Grezes
- Grezet-Cavagnan
- Grezillac
- Grigne
- Grignols
- Grignols
- Gringaud
- Grives
- Grolejac
- Grun-Bordas
- Guerin
- Guethary
- Gueyze
- Guibaudie
- Guichards
- Guiche
- Guignes
- Guillac
- Guillassou
- Guillos
- Guinarthe-Parenties
- Guinot
- Guitres
- Gujan-Mestras
- Gurmencon
- Gurs