Directory of places beginning with "R"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "R" in the region of Franche-Comte in France. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from France in the navigation on the left side.
- Raddon-et-Chapendu
- Rahon
- Rahon
- Rainans
- Raincourt
- Rancenay
- Ranchette
- Ranchot
- Randevillers
- Rang
- Rans
- Rantechaux
- Ranzevelle
- Ravilloles
- Ray-sur-Saone
- Raynans
- Raze
- Recanoz
- Rechesy
- Rechotte
- Recologne
- Recologne
- Recologne-les-Rioz
- Recouvrance
- Reculfoz
- Refranche
- Reithouse
- Relans
- Remondans-Vaivre
- Remoray-Boujeons
- Renaucourt
- Renedale
- Rennes-sur-Loue
- Reppe
- Reugney
- Revigny
- Riervescemont
- Rigney
- Rignosot
- Rignovelle
- Rigny
- Rillans
- Rioz
- Rix
- Roche-et-Raucourt
- Roche-les-Clerval
- Roche-lez-Beaupre
- Roche-sur-Linotte-et-Sorans-les-Cordiers
- Rochefort-sur-Nenon
- Rochejean
- Roches-les-Blamont
- Rogna
- Rognon
- Romagny-sous-Rougemont
- Romain
- Romain
- Romange
- Ronchamp
- Ronchaux
- Rondefontaine
- Roppe
- Rosay
- Roset-Fluans
- Rosey
- Rosieres-sur-Barbeche
- Rosieres-sur-Mance
- Rosureux
- Rotalier
- Rothonay
- Rouffange
- Rougegoutte
- Rougemont
- Rougemont-le-Chateau
- Rougemontot
- Rouhe
- Roulans
- Routelle
- Roye
- Rozet-Fluans
- Ruffey-le-Chateau
- Ruffey-sur-Seille
- Ruhans
- Rupt-sur-Saone
- Rurey
- Rye