Directory of places beginning with "P"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "P" in the region of Ivano-Frankivs'ka in Ukraine. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Ukraine in the navigation on the left side.
- Palagichi
- Palyanytsya
- Paryshche
- Pasechna
- Pasichna
- Patsykiv
- Patsykov
- Pavlivka
- Pechenizhyn
- Peredivane
- Perehins'ke
- Perekhresne
- Perekhrestne
- Pererisl
- Pererovi
- Perevozets
- Perlovtse
- Petranka
- Petrashani
- Petrilov
- Petrov
- Pidhaychyky
- Pidlisky
- Pidlissya
- Pidlyvche
- Pidmykhaylya
- Pidpechery
- Pidsukhy
- Pidvysoke
- Pilipy
- Pilyavshchyzna
- Pitrych
- Piylo
- Pniv
- Poberezh'ye
- Pod Kamenem
- Podgorki
- Podgorod'ye
- Podgrodze
- Podkamen
- Podluzhe
- Podlyute
- Podmikhaylovtsy
- Podmonaster
- Podshumlyan'tse
- Podverbtse
- Podvine
- Podzakharychi
- Pogonya
- Pohar
- Pohorilets
- Pokhuvka
- Polyanky
- Polyanytsya
- Polyk
- Pomoneta
- Popel'niki
- Porohy
- Posech
- Postoyatka
- Potochek
- Potochyshche
- Prelyuchka
- Priozernoye
- Probabnyy
- Probiynivka
- Prochenki
- Prokurava
- Prychil
- Pryluki
- Prypory
- Pryski
- Pshedsevne
- Pshenichniki
- Pshenychnyky
- Pshevozets
- Pshevozy
- Pshybluv
- Pukasovtsy
- Pukov
- Putyatintsy
- Puz'niki
- Puzhniki
- Pyadyki
- Pystan
- Pzhystaynya