Directory of places beginning with "R"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "R" in the region of Khmel'nyts'ka in Ukraine. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Ukraine in the navigation on the left side.
- Rachintsy
- Radkovtsy
- Radkovytsya
- Radoshevka
- Radovtsy
- Rakhnovka
- Rashtovka
- Ratsiborovka
- Rayki
- Raykivtsi
- Redkodub
- Redventsy
- Repintsy
- Repishche
- Repki
- Reshnevka
- Reshnevka
- Reshnevka Kosaya
- Ridkoduby
- Rikhta
- Ripna
- Rogovichi
- Rogozna
- Romaniny
- Romanov
- Rosolovtsy
- Rossokhi
- Rovki
- Rozhny
- Rozsosha
- Rublyanka
- Ruda
- Ruda Gorchichanskaya
- Rudka
- Rudkovtsy
- Rudnya
- Rudnya Noven'kaya
- Runkushi
- Rusanovtsy
- Ruzha
- Ruzhichna
- Ruzhychanka
- Ruzhychna
- Ryabiyevka
- Rylovka
- Ryzhulyntsi