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Indiana in United States
Directory of places beginning with "B"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "B" in the region of Indiana in United States. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from United States in the navigation on the left side.
- Babcock
- Bacon
- Badger Grove
- Baileys Corner
- Bainbridge
- Bainter Town
- Baker
- Bakers Corner
- Bakertown
- Balbec
- Bald Knobs
- Baldridge
- Baldwin Heights
- Ballstown
- Bandmill
- Bandon
- Banner Mills
- Banning Corner
- Banquo
- Banta
- Bar-Barry Heights
- Barbee
- Barbersville
- Barce
- Bargersville
- Barnard
- Barnhart Town
- Barrett
- Barrick Corner
- Barrington Ridge
- Bartle
- Bartlettsville
- Bartonia
- Bartons Location
- Bascom Corner
- Bass Lake
- Bass Station
- Batesville
- Bath
- Battle Ground
- Baugh City
- Bayfield
- Beal
- Beamer
- Beanblossom
- Bear Branch
- Bear Wallow
- Beard
- Beardstown
- Beatrice
- Beattys Corner
- Beatys Beach
- Beaver City
- Beaver Dam
- Becks Grove
- Becks Mill
- Beckville
- Bedford
- Bee Ridge
- Beech Brook
- Beech Grove
- Beech Grove
- Beechwood
- Beehunter
- Beesons
- Behlmer Corner
- Belknap
- Bell Center
- Bell Rohr Park
- Belle Arbor
- Belle Union
- Belleview
- Belleville
- Bellfountain
- Bellmore
- Belmont
- Belmont
- Belmont
- Belshaw
- Ben Davis
- Benefiel Corner
- Bengal
- Benham
- Bennetts Switch
- Bennettsville
- Bennington
- Benton
- Benton House
- Bentonville
- Benwood
- Berkley Ridge
- Berlien
- Berne
- Bethany
- Bethany
- Bethany
- Bethel
- Bethel
- Bethel Village
- Bethevan
- Bethlehem
- Between-The-Lakes Park
- Beverly Hill
- Beverly Shores
- Bicknell
- Big Four Yard
- Big Hill
- Big Springs
- Billie Creek Village
- Billingsville
- Billtown
- Billville
- Bippus
- Birchim
- Birdseye
- Birmingham
- Birmingham
- Black Oak
- Black Oak
- Black Point
- Black Rock
- Blackhawk
- Blackhawk Beach
- Blackiston Mill
- Blackiston Village
- Blaine
- Blairsville
- Blakesburg
- Blanford
- Blocher
- Bloods Wood Crossing
- Bloomer
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Blooming Grove
- Bloomingdale
- Bloomingport
- Bloomington
- Blooms Eddy historical
- Blountsville
- Blue
- Blue Lick
- Blue Ridge
- Blue River
- Bluecast
- Bluestone
- Bluff Acres
- Bluff Creek
- Bluff Point
- Bluffs
- Bluffton
- Board Park
- Bobtown
- Boggstown
- Bogle Corner
- Bolivar
- Bonds
- Bonfiglio's Mobile Home Park
- Bonnell
- Bonneyville Mills
- Bono
- Bono
- Boone Grove
- Boonville
- Borden
- Boston
- Boston Corner
- Boswell
- Boundary City
- Bourbon
- Bowers
- Bowerstown
- Bowling Green
- Bowman
- Bowman Acres
- Boxley
- Boyd
- Boyleston
- Bracken
- Bradfield Corner
- Bradford
- Bradford Court
- Bramble
- Branchville
- Braxtons Siding
- Braysville
- Braysville
- Braytown
- Brazil
- Breakwater
- Breckenridge
- Breezy Point
- Bremen
- Bremerton Mobile Home Park
- Brems
- Brendan Wood
- Brendonwood
- Brent Woods
- Brentridge
- Brentwood
- Brentwood
- Bretzville
- Brewersville
- Briarwood
- Brice
- Brick Chapel
- Bridgeport
- Bridgeport
- Bridgeton
- Bridgewater
- Bridlebourne
- Brierwood Hills
- Briggs
- Bright
- Brighton
- Brimfield
- Brimstone Corners
- Bringhurst
- Brisco
- Bristol
- Bristow
- Britton Ridge
- Broad Park
- Broad Ripple
- Broad Ripple
- Broadmoor
- Broadview
- Brockton Manor
- Bromer
- Brook
- Brookfield
- Brookhaven
- Brooklyn
- Brooklyn Heights
- Brookmoor
- Brooks
- Brooks Crossing
- Brooksburg
- Brookside Estates
- Brookston
- Brookston Place
- Brookville
- Brookville Heights
- Broom Hill
- Brown Jug Corner
- Browns Corner
- Browns Crossing
- Browns Valley
- Brownsburg
- Brownstown
- Brownstown
- Brownsville
- Bruce Lake Station
- Bruceville
- Brummitt Acres
- Brunerstown
- Brunswick
- Brunswick
- Brushy Prairie
- Bryant
- Bryantsburg
- Bryantsville
- Buchanan
- Buchanan Corner
- Buck Creek
- Buckeye
- Bucks Creek
- Buckskin
- Bucktown
- Bud
- Buddha
- Buena Vista
- Buena Vista
- Buena Vista
- Buenavista
- Buffalo
- Buffalo
- Buffaloville
- Buffington
- Bufkin
- Bullocktown
- Bunker Hill
- Bunker Hill
- Bunker Hill
- Bunker Hill
- Burberry Place
- Burdick
- Burge Terrace
- Burket
- Burlington
- Burlington Beach
- Burnett
- Burnettsville
- Burney
- Burns City
- Burns Harbor
- Burnsville
- Burr Oak
- Burr Oak
- Burrows
- Bushrod
- Busseron
- Butler
- Butler Center
- Butlerville
- Buttermilk Point
- Byrneville
- Byron
- Byron