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North Carolina in United States
Directory of places beginning with "K"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "K" in the region of North Carolina in United States. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from United States in the navigation on the left side.
- K and M Mobile Home Park
- Kalmia
- Kannapolis
- Kanuga Pines
- Katesville
- Kathy Anns Mobile Home Park
- Kawana
- Kearney
- Kearny Park
- Keene
- Keener
- Kelford
- Kellerville
- Kellogs Fork
- Kellum
- Kelly
- Kellys Crossroads
- Kelsey
- Kenansville
- Kendall Chapel
- Kenilworth
- Kenly
- Kenmon Acres
- Kenmon Apartments
- Kennebec
- Kennedy Estates
- Kennel Beach
- Kentwood
- Kentwood Park
- Kenwood Estates
- Kernersville
- Kerr
- Kershaw
- Keys Crossroads
- Kikers
- Kilkenny
- Kill Devil Hills
- Killian Crossroads
- Kimberly Acres
- Kimberly Courts
- Kimesville
- Kimwood Mobile Home Park
- Kindy Forest
- King
- Kingdale
- Kings Creek
- Kings Creek
- Kings Crossroads
- Kings Crossroads
- Kings Grant
- Kings Landing
- Kings Mountain
- Kingstown
- Kingswood
- Kingswood Apartments
- Kinston
- Kinton Fork
- Kipling
- Kirbys Crossing
- Kirkland
- Kirkland
- Kirkman Crossroad
- Kirkwood
- Kirkwood
- Kittrell
- Kittrell Hill
- Kitty Fork
- Kitty Hawk
- Kitty Hawk Beach
- Knap of Reeds
- Knightdale
- Knob Creek
- Knob Hill
- Knollwood
- Knollwood
- Knotts Crossroads
- Knotts Island
- Knottville
- Kona
- Koontzville
- Kornegay
- Kross Keys
- Kuhns
- Kungsboro
- Kure Beach
- Kyle
- Kyles Crossroads