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North Carolina in United States
Directory of places beginning with "M"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "M" in the region of North Carolina in United States. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from United States in the navigation on the left side.
- Mabel
- Macclesfield
- Macedonia
- Macedonia
- Macedonia
- Macedonia
- Machpelah
- Mackeys
- Macks Village
- Maco
- Macon
- Madison
- Maggie Valley
- Maggie Valley
- Magnolia
- Magnolia
- Maiden
- Maine
- Makatoka
- Makleyville
- Mallard Lakes
- Malmo
- Malonee Mill
- Malpass Corner
- Maltby
- Malvern Hills
- Mamers
- Mamie
- Manchester
- Mandale
- Mangum
- Mangum Store
- Manly
- Manning Park
- Manns Harbor
- Mansfield
- Manson
- Manteo
- Maple
- Maple Avenue Mobile Home Park
- Maple Grove
- Maple Hill
- Maple Springs
- Maple Springs
- Maple Valley
- Maplecypress
- Mapleton
- Mapleville
- Maplewood
- Mar-Mac
- Marble
- Maready
- Margaret
- Margarettsville
- Maribel
- Marietta
- Marines
- Marion
- Mariposa
- Mark Pine
- Market Heights Mobile Home Park
- Marlboro
- Marlboro
- Marlboro Forest
- Marler
- Marlwood Acre
- Marmaduke
- Mars Hill
- Marshall
- Marshallberg
- Marshville
- Marston
- Martha
- Martins Creek
- Martins Store
- Marvin
- Maryanna Mobile Estates
- Marys Beach
- Marys Grove
- Mashoes
- Masonboro
- Masonboro Census Designated Place historical
- Masonboro Mobile Home Park
- Masons Crossroads
- Masontown
- Masontown
- Matkins
- Matney
- Matrimony
- Matthews
- Matthews Crossroads
- Matthews Mobile Home Park
- Maury
- Mavaton
- Maxton
- Maxwell Mill
- Mayfield
- Mayfield
- Mayhew
- Mayodan
- Mayos Crossroads
- Mays Crossroads
- Mays Crossroads
- Maysville
- Mayview Park
- Mayville Crossing
- Mazeppa
- McAdenville
- McAdoo Heights
- McArthur Crossroads
- McArthur Estates
- McCain
- McClure Mill
- McConnell
- McConnell
- McCray
- McCullen
- McCullers
- McCullers Crossroads
- McDade
- McDaniels
- McDonald
- McDonald Mill
- McFarlan
- McFarland
- McGee Crossroads
- McGee Mill
- McGehees Mill
- McGinnis Crossroads
- McGowans Crossroads
- McGrady
- McGuires
- McKinney Cove
- McKoy
- McLamb Crossroads
- McLeansville
- McMillan
- McNair Crossing
- McPhersons Mobile Home Park
- Meadow Brook Village
- Meadow Summit
- Meadow View
- Meadow Wood Acres
- Meadowbrook
- Meadowbrook Estates
- Meadowland Mobile Home Park
- Meadowood
- Meadows
- Meadowview
- Meat Camp
- Mebane
- Mechanic
- Medfield
- Melanchton
- Melborne Heights
- Melrose
- Melrose Mobile Home Park
- Melville
- Menola
- Mercer
- Mercer Landing
- Merrimon
- Merritt
- Merriweather Estates
- Merry Hill
- Merry Oaks
- Mesic
- Metcalf
- Method
- Mewborns Crossroads
- Micaville
- Michfield
- Micro
- Middle Fork
- Middle River
- Middleburg
- Middlesex
- Middleton Heights
- Middletown
- Middlewoods Mobile Home Park
- Midland
- Midpine
- Midtown
- Midway
- Midway
- Midway
- Midway
- Midway
- Midway
- Midway
- Midway
- Midway
- Midway Park
- Milburnie
- Mildred
- Miles
- Miles Crossroad
- Mill Branch
- Mill Bridge
- Mill Brook
- Mill Corner
- Mill Creek
- Mill Creek
- Mill Creek
- Mill Creek Mobile Home Park
- Mill Crossroads
- Mill Grove
- Mill Neck
- Mill Pond Meadows
- Mill Pond Village
- Mill Ridge
- Mill Seat Landing
- Mill Spring
- Millboro
- Millbrook
- Millennium
- Millers Creek
- Millers Store
- Millersville
- Millesville
- Millingport
- Mills Ridge
- Mills River
- Milltown
- Milton
- Milwaukee
- Mimosa Manor Mobile Home Park
- Mimosa Shores
- Mineral Springs
- Mineral Springs
- Mingo
- Minneapolis
- Minnesott Beach
- Minnie Bert
- Minpro
- Mint Hill
- Mintonsville
- Mintz
- Misenheimer
- Mission
- Mitchell Aire
- Mitchells Fork
- Mitchiners Crossroads
- Mobiland Mobile Home Park
- Mocksville
- Mocksville
- Moffitt Hill
- Mollie
- Moltonville
- Momeyer
- Momford Landing
- Monbo
- Moncure
- Money Island Beach
- Monks Crossroads
- Monogram
- Monroe
- Monroeton
- Monroetown
- Montague
- Montclair
- Monterey Park
- Montezuma
- Montford Hills
- Montford Point
- Monticello
- Monticello
- Monticello Heights
- Montreat
- Montrose
- Montview
- Moonlight Bay Mobile Park
- Moores Beach
- Moores Chapel
- Moores Corner
- Moores Crossroads
- Moores Crossroads
- Moores Springs
- Mooresboro
- Mooresville
- Mooretown
- Moravian Falls
- Morehead City
- Moretz
- Morgan Ford
- Morgans Corners
- Morganton
- Morgantown
- Moriah
- Morning Star
- Morningside Manor
- Morrisons Store
- Morrisville
- Morse
- Mortimer
- Morton Fork
- Morton Manor
- Morven
- Moss Hill
- Moss Neck
- Mother Vineyard
- Motleta
- Moulton
- Mount Airy
- Mount Energy
- Mount Gallows
- Mount Gilead
- Mount Gilead
- Mount Gould
- Mount Gould Landing
- Mount Herman
- Mount Herman
- Mount Holly
- Mount Mitchell
- Mount Mitchell
- Mount Mourne
- Mount Olive
- Mount Olive
- Mount Olive
- Mount Olive
- Mount Olive
- Mount Olive
- Mount Pilgrim
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Rose
- Mount Sinai
- Mount Sterling
- Mount Tabor
- Mount Tabor
- Mount Tirzah
- Mount Ulla
- Mount Valley
- Mount Vernon
- Mount Vernon
- Mount Vernon Springs
- Mount View Estates
- Mount Zion
- Mount Zion
- Mount Zion
- Mount Zion
- Mountain Grove
- Mountain Home
- Mountain Island
- Mountain Lake Camp
- Mountain Page
- Mountain Park
- Mountain Valley
- Mountain View
- Mountain View
- Mountain View
- Mountain View
- Mountain View
- Mountain View Development
- Mountain View Estates
- Mountainbrook
- Moxley
- Moyock
- Mt Pleasant
- Mud Castle
- Muddy Creek
- Muddy Cross
- Mulberry
- Mulberry
- Mulberry
- Mullins Crossroads
- Mundo Vista
- Murchison
- Murchisontown
- Murdocksville
- Murfreesboro
- Murphey
- Murphy
- Murphy Junction
- Murphytown
- Murray Town
- Murrays Hill
- Murraysville
- Murraytown
- Musgrave Crossroads
- Myrtle Grove
- Myrtle Grove Junction
- Myrtle Head
- Myrtle Sound