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Pennsylvania in United States
Directory of places beginning with "L"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "L" in the region of Pennsylvania in United States. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from United States in the navigation on the left side.
- La Anna
- La Belle
- La Bott
- La Plume
- La Trappe
- Laboratory
- Laborde
- Lacey Park
- Laceyville
- Lackawaxen
- Laddsburg
- Lafayette
- Lafayette
- Lafayette Park
- Lafayetteville
- Laflin
- Lagonda
- Lagrange
- Lahaska
- Laidig
- Laird Crossing
- Lairdsville
- Lake
- Lake Ariel
- Lake Arthur Estates
- Lake Carey
- Lake City
- Lake City
- Lake Como
- Lake Denise
- Lake Harmony
- Lake Heritage
- Lake Lynn
- Lake Meade
- Lake Naomi Estates
- Lake Wallenpaupack Estate
- Lake Winola
- Lake Wynonah
- Lake in the Clouds
- Lakemont
- Lakeside
- Lakeside
- Laketon
- Laketon Heights
- Lakeview
- Lakeview Heights
- Lakeville
- Lakeville
- Lakewood
- Lakewood
- Lamar
- Lamartine
- Lambert
- Lamberton
- Lamberton
- Lambertsville
- Lambings
- Lambs Creek
- Lamonaville
- Lamont
- Lamonts Corners
- Lamott
- Lampeter
- Lanark
- Lancaster
- Lancaster Junction
- Lancasterville
- Land Grant Farms
- Landenberg
- Lander
- Landingville
- Landis Store
- Landis Valley
- Landisburg
- Landisville
- Landisville
- Landon Station
- Landrus
- Landstreet
- Lanes Mills
- Lanesboro
- Laneville
- Langdon
- Langdon
- Langdon
- Langdondale
- Langeloth
- Langhorne
- Langhorne Gardens
- Langhorne Manor
- Langhorne Terrace
- Langville
- Lansdale
- Lansdowne
- Lanse
- Lansford
- Lantz
- Lantz Corners
- Lapidea
- Laporte
- Laquin
- Larabee
- Larchmont
- Larchmont Meadows
- Larchmont Square
- Lardin
- Lardintown
- Larimer
- Larke
- Larksville
- Larrys Creek
- Larryville
- Larue
- Lashley
- Latches Lane
- Latimore
- Latrobe
- Latta Grove
- Lattimer
- Laubach
- Lauffer
- Laughlintown
- Laurel
- Laurel
- Laurel Commons Mobile Home Park
- Laurel Falls
- Laurel Gardens
- Laurel Grove
- Laurel Hill
- Laurel Hill
- Laurel Hill
- Laurel Junction
- Laurel Lake
- Laurel Mountain Park
- Laurel Mountain Village
- Laurel Park
- Laurel Run
- Laurel Springs
- Laurel Summit
- Laurel Wood Mobile Home Park
- Laurel Woods
- Laureldale
- Laurella
- Laurelton
- Laurelville
- Laurys Station
- Lavansville
- Lavelle
- Laverock
- Lavery
- Lawn
- Lawn Crest
- Lawn View
- Lawncrest
- Lawndale
- Lawnford Acres
- Lawnton
- Lawrence
- Lawrence Corners
- Lawrence Junction
- Lawrence Park
- Lawrence Park
- Lawrence Park
- Lawrenceburg
- Lawrenceville
- Lawrenceville
- Lawrenceville
- Lawson Heights
- Lawsonham
- Lawsville Center
- Lawton
- Lawton Gardens
- Layfield
- Layton
- Le High Park
- Le Raysville
- LeBoeuf Garden
- Leacock
- Leacock-Leola-Bareville
- Leaders Heights
- Leafydale Terrace
- Leak Run
- Leaman Place
- Leamersville
- Learn Settlement
- Leary Trace Park
- Leasureville
- Leather Corner Post
- Leatherwood
- Lebanon
- Lebanon Independent
- Lebanon South
- Lebo Vista
- Leck Kill
- Leckrone
- Lecontes Mills
- Lederach
- Ledgedale
- Ledy
- Lee
- Lee Park
- Leechburg
- Leechburg
- Leechs Corners
- Leedom Estates
- Leeper
- Lees
- Lees Cross Roads
- Lees Mill
- Leesburg
- Leesburg Station
- Leesport
- Leetonia
- Leetsdale
- Lehigh
- Lehigh Furnace
- Lehigh Gap
- Lehighton
- Lehman
- Lehman
- Leibeyville
- Leibharts Corner
- Leidighs
- Leidy
- Leidytown
- Leinbachs
- Leiperville
- Leiphart Mill
- Leisenring
- Leith
- Leith-Hatfield
- Leithsville
- Lemasters
- Lemon
- Lemont
- Lemont Furnace
- Lemoyne
- Lenape
- Lenape Heights
- Lenhartsville
- Lenkerville
- Lenni
- Lennox Park Mobile Home Park
- Lenover
- Lenox
- Lenoxville
- Lenwood Heights
- Leola
- Leolyn
- Leona
- Leonard
- Leonardsville
- Leopard
- Leopard Farms
- Leopard Lakes
- Lerchs
- Lernerville
- Leroy
- Leslie Run
- Lester
- Letort
- Level Corner
- Level Green
- Leviston
- Levittown
- Lewis Corner
- Lewis Corners
- Lewis Crossing
- Lewis Mills
- Lewis Run
- Lewisberry
- Lewisburg
- Lewistown
- Lewistown
- Lewistown Junction
- Lewisville
- Lewisville
- Lexington
- Lexington Court
- Lexington Farms
- Lexington Leas
- Lexington Park
- Lexton Woods
- Liberty
- Liberty
- Liberty
- Liberty
- Library
- Library Junction
- Lickdale
- Lickingville
- Liebys Trailer Park
- Liewellyn Corners
- Light Street
- Lightners Tract
- Ligonier
- Lilly
- Lillyville
- Lima
- Lima Estates
- Lime Bluff
- Lime Ridge
- Lime Ridge
- Lime Valley
- Limehill
- Limekiln
- Limekiln Acres
- Limeport
- Limerick
- Limerick Center
- Limerick Greene
- Limerick Village Mobile Home Park
- Limerock
- Limestone
- Limestoneville
- Limeville
- Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Lincoln Falls
- Lincoln Heights
- Lincoln Hill
- Lincoln Park
- Lincoln Park
- Lincoln Terrace
- Lincolnville
- Lincolnwood
- Linconia
- Lindaville
- Lindberg Heights
- Lindbergh
- Linden
- Linden
- Linden Grove
- Linden Hall
- Lindenfield
- Linds Crossing
- Line Lexington
- Line Mountain
- Linesville
- Linfield
- Linfield Farms
- Linfield Woods
- Linglestown
- Linhart
- Linn
- Linntown
- Linstead
- Linvilla
- Linville Circle
- Linwood
- Lions Gate II
- Lionville
- Lionville-Marchwood
- Lippincott
- Lisbon
- Lisburn
- Listie
- Listonburg
- Litchfield
- Lithia Springs
- Lititz
- Little Britain
- Little Chapel
- Little Chicago
- Little Cooley
- Little Elk
- Little Farm Trace Park
- Little Gap
- Little Germany
- Little Hickory
- Little Hollywood Mobile Home Park
- Little Hope
- Little Italy
- Little Jack Corners
- Little Kansas
- Little Marsh
- Little Meadows
- Little Oley
- Little Roundtop
- Little Summit
- Little Summit
- Little Summit
- Little Washington
- Littles Corners
- Littlestown
- Littletown
- Litzenberg
- Live Easy
- Livermore
- Liverpool
- Livonia
- Lizard Creek Junction
- Llanerch
- Llanfair
- Llanwellyn
- Llewellyn
- Llewellyn Corners
- Lloydell
- Lloydsville
- Lloydville
- Llyswen
- Loag
- Lobachsville
- Loch Lomond Junction
- Lochiel
- Lochland
- Lochvale
- Lochwood Estates
- Lock Haven
- Locke Mills
- Lockport
- Lockport
- Lockport
- Lockport
- Lockport
- Lockridge
- Locksley
- Locksley Crossing
- Lockview
- Lockville
- Lockwood
- Locust
- Locust Gap
- Locust Grove
- Locust Grove
- Locust Grove
- Locust Grove
- Locust Hill
- Locust Lakes Village
- Locust Lane Acres
- Locust Lane Gardens
- Locust Manor Mobile Home Park
- Locust Point
- Locust Ridge Manor
- Locust Run
- Locust Spring
- Locust Summit
- Locust Valley
- Locust Valley
- Locustdale
- Lodi
- Lofty
- Log Pile
- Logan
- Logan
- Logan Mills
- Logans Ferry Heights
- Loganton
- Loganville
- Logue
- Loleta
- London
- Lone Pine
- Lonely Acres
- Long Branch
- Long Brook
- Long Lane Acres
- Long Lane Farms III
- Long Pine
- Long Pond
- Long Pond
- Long Run
- Long Run
- Long Valley
- Longbridge
- Longfellow
- Longmead Farms
- Longs Crossroad
- Longsdale
- Longsdorf
- Longstown
- Longswamp
- Longview
- Longview Estates
- Longview Heights
- Longwood
- Lookabough Corners
- Loomis Park
- Loop
- Loop
- Lopez
- Lorain
- Lorane
- Lorane Orchards
- Lorberry
- Lorberry Junction
- Lords Valley
- Lorenton
- Loretto
- Loretto Road
- Lorraine
- Loschs
- Losh Run
- Lost Creek
- Lottsville
- Loucks Mills
- Louden Hill
- Loux Corner
- Louxs Corner
- Lovedale
- Lovejoy
- Lovell
- Lovell Park
- Lovelton
- Lovely
- Lover
- Lovi
- Lowber
- Lowber
- Lowell
- Lowell Hills
- Lower Allen
- Lower Askam
- Lower Brownville
- Lower Burrell
- Lower Dutchtown
- Lower Hillville
- Lower Hopewell
- Lower Longswamp
- Lower Peanut
- Lower Saucon
- Lower Tannersville
- Lower Whyel
- Lowhill
- Lowville
- Loyalhanna
- Loyalhanna Woodlands Number 1
- Loyalhanna Woodlands Number 2
- Loyalsockville
- Loyalton
- Loyalville
- Loysburg
- Loysburg Gap
- Loysville
- Lucasville
- Lucerne Mines
- Luces Corners
- Lucinda
- Luciusboro
- Lucket
- Lucknow
- Lucky
- Lucon
- Lucullus
- Lucy Furnace
- Ludlow
- Ludwigs Corner
- Lumber City
- Lumber City
- Lumberville
- Lundys Lane
- Lungerville
- Lurgan
- Lushbaugh
- Luthers Mills
- Luthersburg
- Lutzville
- Luxor
- Luzerne
- Luzerne
- Lycippus
- Lykens
- Lyle
- Lyleville
- Lymansville
- Lymanville
- Lymehurst
- Lynces Junction
- Lynch
- Lynchville
- Lyndell
- Lyndon
- Lyndora
- Lynn
- Lynn
- Lynnewood Gardens
- Lynnport
- Lynnville
- Lynnwood
- Lynnwood
- Lynnwood Gardens
- Lynnwood-Pricedale
- Lyon Valley
- Lyona
- Lyons
- Lyonstown