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Pennsylvania in United States
Directory of places beginning with "S"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "S" in the region of Pennsylvania in United States. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from United States in the navigation on the left side.
- Sabinsville
- Sabula
- Sackett
- Sackville
- Saco
- Saco
- Sacramento
- Sadlers Corner
- Sadsbury Meeting House
- Sadsburyville
- Saegers
- Saegersville
- Saegertown
- Safe Harbor
- Sagamore
- Sagamore
- Sagamore Estates
- Saginaw
- Sagon
- Saint Albans
- Saint Augustine
- Saint Benedict
- Saint Boniface
- Saint Charles
- Saint Charles Furnace
- Saint Clair
- Saint Clair
- Saint Clair
- Saint Clair
- Saint Clairsville
- Saint Davids
- Saint George
- Saint Joe
- Saint John Circle
- Saint Johns
- Saint Joseph
- Saint Lawrence
- Saint Lawrence
- Saint Leonard
- Saint Martins
- Saint Marys
- Saint Marys Seminary
- Saint Michael
- Saint Nicholas
- Saint Paul
- Saint Peters
- Saint Petersburg
- Saint Thomas
- Saint Vincent Shaft
- Salco
- Salem
- Salem
- Salem
- Salem
- Salemville
- Salford
- Salford Pond
- Salford Ridge
- Salfordville
- Salida
- Salina
- Salisbury
- Salisbury Heights
- Salisbury Junction
- Salix
- Salladasburg
- Sally Ann
- Salona
- Salter
- Saltillo
- Saltsburg
- Salunga
- Salunga-Landisville
- Saluvia
- Sample
- Sample Run
- Sampson
- Sampson
- Sanatoga
- Sanatoga Commons
- Sanborn
- Sand Beach
- Sand Hill
- Sand Patch
- Sand Spring
- Sandhill
- Sandhill
- Sandrock
- Sandts Eddy
- Sandy
- Sandy Creek
- Sandy Hollow
- Sandy Hook
- Sandy Lake
- Sandy Lick
- Sandy Plains
- Sandy Point
- Sandy Ridge
- Sandy Run
- Sandy Run
- Sandy Run East
- Sandy Valley
- Sandyville
- Sanford
- Sangree
- Sankertown
- Santiago
- Sarah Furnace
- Sardis
- Sartwell
- Sarver
- Sarversville
- Sassamansville
- Satterfield
- Saucon
- Saucon Valley
- Saucon Valley Terrace
- Saucona
- Saulsburg
- Savage
- Savan
- Saverys Mill
- Saville
- Saw Creek
- Saw Mill Valley
- Sawtown
- Sawyer City
- Saxonburg
- Saxony Manor
- Saxton
- Saybrook
- Saylorsburg
- Saylorsville
- Sayre
- Scab Hill
- Scalp Level
- Scammells Corner
- Scandia
- Scanlin
- Scarlan Hill
- Scarlets Mill
- Scattertown
- Scenery Hill
- Schades Corner
- Schaefferstown
- Scheidy
- Schellsburg
- Schenley
- Schenley Heights
- Scherersville
- Schlemville
- Schlichter
- Schlusser
- Schnecksville
- Schneidersville
- Schoeneck
- Schoeneck
- Schoenersville
- Schofer
- Schoffner Corner
- Schofield Corners
- Schollard
- School Side Manor
- Schoolside Manor
- Schracktown
- Schubert
- Schultzville
- Schultzville
- Schuster Heights
- Schuyler
- Schuylkill Haven
- Schwarzwald Heights
- Schweibinzville
- Schwenfield Manor
- Schwenksville
- Sciota
- Sciotavale
- Sconnelltown
- Scotch Hill
- Scotch Hollow
- Scotia
- Scotland
- Scotrun
- Scots Glen
- Scott
- Scott Center
- Scott Haven
- Scott Township
- Scottdale
- Scotts Crossing
- Scottsville
- Scottsville
- Scranton
- Scranton Corners
- Scullton
- Sea Right
- Seal
- Seamentown
- Seanor
- Searights
- Sebastopol
- Sebring
- Secane
- Sechrist Mill
- Sedgwick
- Sedwicks Mill
- Seeger Place
- Seelyville
- Seemsville
- Seger
- Seiberlingville
- Seidersville
- Seiple
- Seipstown
- Seisholtzville
- Seitzland
- Seitzville
- Seldersville
- Selea
- Selinsgrove
- Selinsgrove Junction
- Selkirk
- Sellersville
- Sellersville Heights
- Selsie Village
- Seltzer
- Seminole
- Seneca
- Sereno
- Sergeant
- Serpentine Acres
- Seven Acres
- Seven Fields
- Seven Pines
- Seven Points
- Seven Springs
- Seven Stars
- Seven Stars
- Seven Stars
- Seven Stars
- Seven Stars
- Seven Valleys
- Seward
- Sewickley
- Sewickley Heights
- Sewickley Hills
- Seyfert
- Seyoc
- Shade Gap
- Shadeland
- Shades Glen
- Shadle
- Shado-Wood Village
- Shadow Ridge
- Shadow Shuttle
- Shady Acres
- Shady Grove
- Shady Grove Manor
- Shady Plain
- Shadyside
- Shadyside Village
- Shaffer
- Shaffers Corners
- Shaffersville
- Shaft
- Shafton
- Shainline
- Shakespeare Club
- Shaler Township
- Shamburg
- Shamburg
- Shamokin
- Shamokin Dam
- Shamrock
- Shamrock
- Shamrock
- Shamrock
- Shamrock Station
- Shand Vassar
- Shaner
- Shaners Trailer Park
- Shanesville
- Shanks Mill
- Shanksville
- Shankweilers
- Shannon Heights
- Shannondale
- Shanor Heights
- Shanor-Northvue
- Sharon
- Sharon Center
- Sharon Hill
- Sharpe
- Sharpe Hill
- Sharpless Farms
- Sharpsburg
- Sharpsburg
- Sharpsville
- Sharrertown
- Shartlesville
- Shavertown
- Shaw Mines
- Shawanese
- Shawmont
- Shawmut
- Shawnee
- Shawnee on Delaware
- Shaws Corners
- Shaws Landing
- Shawtown
- Shawville
- Shawwood Park
- Shay
- Shaytown
- Shazen
- Sheakleyville
- Shearersburg
- Sheatown
- Sheeder
- Sheffer
- Sheffield
- Sheffield Junction
- Sheffield Village
- Shehawken
- Shelander Hollow
- Shellsville
- Shelltown
- Shelly
- Shellytown
- Shelocta
- Shelvey
- Shenandoah
- Shenandoah Heights
- Shenango
- Shenks Ferry
- Shepherdstown
- Sheppton
- Sheraden
- Sheridan
- Sheridan
- Sherman
- Shermans Dale
- Shermansville
- Shernerville
- Sherrett
- Sherry Lake East
- Sherwin
- Sherwood Park
- Sheshequin
- Shettleston
- Shickshinny
- Shields
- Shieldsburg
- Shillington
- Shiloh
- Shiloh
- Shiloh Hills
- Shiloh Woods
- Shimer
- Shimerville
- Shimerville
- Shimpstown
- Shindle
- Shinerville
- Shingiss
- Shinglebury
- Shinglehouse
- Shingletown
- Shinnecock
- Shintown
- Ship Road
- Shipmans Eddy
- Shippensburg
- Shippenville
- Shippingport
- Shire Oaks
- Shiremanstown
- Shirks Corner
- Shirksville
- Shirley
- Shirleysburg
- Shoaf
- Shober
- Shoemak Village
- Shoemaker
- Shoemaker Village
- Shoemakers
- Shoemakers
- Shoemakersville
- Shoenberger
- Shoentown
- Shohola
- Shohola Falls
- Short Run
- Shortsville
- Shortys Place
- Shrader
- Shreiners
- Shreiners
- Shrewsbury
- Shrewsbury Station
- Shrivers Corners
- Shumans
- Shunk
- Sibleyville
- Sickler Hill
- Sickles Corner
- Siddonsburg
- Sidley
- Sidman
- Sidney
- Sierra View
- Sigel
- Siglerville
- Sigmund
- Sigsbee
- Siko
- Siles
- Silkworth
- Silvara
- Silver Creek
- Silver Ford Heights
- Silver Mills
- Silver Spring
- Silver Spring
- Silverbrook Farms
- Silverdale
- Silverton
- Silverville
- Simmonstown
- Simpson
- Simpson
- Simpson Store
- Singersville
- Sinking Spring
- Sinking Spring Terrace
- Sinnemahoning
- Sinsheim
- Siousca
- Sipes Mill
- Sipesville
- Sistersville
- Sitka
- Siverly
- Six Points
- Sizerville
- Skelp
- Skeltontown
- Ski Haven Lake Estates
- Skinners Eddy
- Skippack
- Skippack Ridge
- Sky View Acres
- Sky View Lake
- Skyline Heights
- Skyline View
- Skytop
- Skyview Mobile Home Park
- Slab
- Slabtown
- Slabtown
- Slabtown
- Slabtown
- Slabtown
- Slackwater
- Slaseman Mobile Home Park
- Slate Hill
- Slate Lick
- Slate Ridge
- Slate Run
- Slate Valley
- Slatedale
- Slatefield
- Slateford
- Slateville
- Slatington
- Slaymakersville
- Slickport
- Slickville
- Sligo
- Sligo
- Slippery Rock
- Slippery Rock Park
- Slocum
- Slocum Corners
- Slonaker
- Slovan
- Slykerville
- Smallwood
- Smathers
- Smeltzer
- Smethport
- Smicksburg
- Smiley
- Smiley
- Smith
- Smith Corner
- Smith Corners
- Smith Gap
- Smith Mills
- Smith Summit
- Smithdale
- Smithfield
- Smithfield Estates
- Smithland
- Smithport
- Smiths Corner
- Smiths Corners
- Smiths Ferry
- Smiths Station
- Smithton
- Smithtown
- Smithtown
- Smithville
- Smithville
- Smock
- Smoke Run
- Smoketown
- Smoketown
- Smoketown
- Smoketown
- Smullton
- Smyrna
- Snedekerville
- Snively Corners
- Snook
- Snow Hill Falls
- Snow Shoe
- Snowden
- Snowdenville
- Snows Mill
- Snufftown
- Snyder
- Snyder Corner
- Snyders
- Snydersburg
- Snydersville
- Snydersville
- Snydertown
- Snydertown
- Snydertown
- Snydertown
- Snydertown
- Snydertown
- Social Island
- Society Meadows
- Soho
- Soldier
- Solebury
- Solomon Gap
- Somerfield
- Somers Lane
- Somerset
- Somerton
- Somerton Estate
- Somerton Forge
- Somerville
- Somerville
- Sonestown
- Sonman
- Sopertown
- Soradoville
- Sorrelhorse
- Soudersburg
- Souderton
- Soukesburg
- Sours Mills
- South Altoona
- South Auburn
- South Bend
- South Bethlehem
- South Bethlehem
- South Bradford
- South Branch
- South Canaan
- South Coatesville
- South Connellsville
- South Danville
- South Devonshire Estates
- South Eaton
- South Ebervale
- South Fork
- South Gibson
- South Greensburg
- South Heberton
- South Heights
- South Hermitage
- South Hill
- South Hills
- South Lakemont
- South Lebanon
- South Media
- South Montrose
- South Mountain
- South New Castle
- South Park Township
- South Philipsburg
- South Pottstown
- South Renovo
- South Ridge Estates
- South Sterling
- South Strabane
- South Tamaqua
- South Temple
- South Towanda
- South Union
- South Uniontown
- South View Acres
- South Warren
- South Warren
- South Waverly
- South Williamsport
- South Wood Hills
- Southampton
- Southdale
- Southmont
- Southside
- Southview
- Southwest
- Southwest Greensburg
- Southwood Hills
- Sowash
- Spaces Corners
- Spaces Corners
- Spangler
- Spangsville
- Sparta
- Spartansburg
- Sparton Marshfield
- Spears Grove
- Spechty Kopf
- Specktown
- Speeceville
- Speedwell
- Speers
- Spencer Corner
- Spencers Corners
- Spencertown
- Spike Island
- Spike Island
- Spilt Rock
- Spindletown
- Spindley City
- Spinnerstown
- Split Rock
- Sporting Hill
- Sporting Hill
- Sportsburg
- Spot Mobile Home Park
- Spraggs
- Sprankle Mills
- Spring
- Spring Bank
- Spring Brook
- Spring Brook
- Spring Church
- Spring City
- Spring Creek
- Spring Creek
- Spring Creek Manor
- Spring Dale Heights
- Spring Garden
- Spring Glen
- Spring Grove
- Spring Hill
- Spring Hill
- Spring Hill
- Spring House
- Spring Meadow
- Spring Mill
- Spring Mills
- Spring Mount
- Spring Mount
- Spring Mount Summit
- Spring Oak
- Spring Plains
- Spring Ridge
- Spring Run
- Spring Run Acres
- Spring Run Manor
- Spring Valley
- Spring Valley
- Spring Valley
- Spring Valley
- Springboro
- Springdale
- Springdell
- Springetts Manor-Yorklyn
- Springfield
- Springfield
- Springfield
- Springfield Falls
- Springfield Junction
- Springford Village
- Springhaven
- Springhill
- Springhope
- Springlawn
- Springmont
- Springs
- Springton
- Springton Chase
- Springton Point Estates
- Springton Pointe
- Springton Pointe Woods
- Springton Woods
- Springtown
- Springtown
- Springtown
- Springtown
- Springtown
- Springvale
- Springville
- Springville
- Springville
- Springville
- Springville
- Sproul
- Spruce
- Spruce
- Spruce Creek
- Spruce Grove
- Spruce Hill
- Spruce Hill
- Spruces
- Sprucetown
- Spry
- Squab Hollow
- Square Corner
- Squires Estates
- Squires Knoll
- Squirrel Hill
- Squirrel Hill
- St Michael-Sidman
- Stacktown
- Stafford Heights
- Stafore Estates
- Stahlstown
- Stairville
- Stalker
- Standard
- Standard Shaft
- Standing Stone
- Stanfordville
- Stanhope
- Stanley
- Stanleys Corner
- Stanton
- Stanton Corner
- Stanton Heights
- Stanton Heights
- Stanwood
- Star Junction
- Star Rock
- Star Village
- Starbrick
- Starford
- Starks
- Starkville
- Starlight
- Starners
- Starr
- Starr
- Starrucca
- Starview
- Starview Heights
- State College
- State Hill
- State Hill
- State Line
- State Line
- Steam Valley
- Steamburg
- Steel City
- Steelstown
- Steelton
- Steelville
- Steene
- Steins
- Steinsburg
- Steinsville
- Stemlersville
- Stephen Heights
- Sterling
- Sterling
- Sterling Run
- Sterlingworth
- Sterrettania
- Stetlersville
- Steuben
- Steuben
- Stevens
- Stevens
- Stevens Point
- Stevenson
- Stevenstown
- Stevensville
- Stewart
- Stewart Run
- Stewarton
- Stewartstown
- Stewartsville
- Stewartville
- Stickney
- Sticks
- Stiefler Corner
- Stier
- Stiffler
- Stifflertown
- Stiles
- Stiles Crossing
- Still Creek
- Stillwater
- Stillwater Lake Estates
- Stillwater Lakes
- Stiltz
- Stines Corner
- Stobo
- Stockdale
- Stockertown
- Stockport
- Stoddartsville
- Stokesdale
- Stone Church
- Stone Glen
- Stone Hill
- Stone House
- Stone House Corner
- Stone Ridge
- Stone Row
- Stoneboro
- Stonedale
- Stoneham
- Stonehurst
- Stonemont
- Stoner
- Stonerstown
- Stonersville
- Stonerville
- Stonetown
- Stonevilla
- Stonewood Farms
- Stoney Run Farms
- Stonington
- Stony Brook
- Stony Creek
- Stony Creek Mills
- Stony Fork
- Stony Point
- Stony Point
- Stony Point
- Stony Point
- Stony Point
- Stony Run
- Stony Run
- Stony Run Mobile Home Park
- Stonybreak
- Stonybrook
- Stonybrook
- Stonybrook Heights
- Stonybrook-Wilshire
- Stonycreek
- Stonycrest
- Stoops Ferry
- Stoopville
- Stormfield
- Stormstown
- Stormville
- Stottsville
- Stouchsburg
- Stoufferstown
- Stoughstown
- Stouts
- Stover
- Stovers Mill
- Stoverstown
- Stowe
- Stowe Township
- Stowell
- Stoystown
- Strabane
- Strables Corners
- Strafford
- Straight Creek
- Strangford
- Strasburg
- Strasburg Court
- Strathcona Hills
- Strattanville
- Strausstown
- Strawberry Ridge
- Strawbridge
- Strawntown
- Street Road
- Streights
- Stremmels
- Strickersville
- Strickhousers
- Strickler
- Stricklerstown
- Strinestown
- Stringtown
- Stringtown
- Stringtown
- Strip District
- Strobleton
- Strodes Mills
- Stronach
- Strong
- Strongstown
- Stroudsburg
- Strouptown
- Struble
- Stuart Creek Farms
- Stuarts Keep
- Studa
- Stull
- Stump Creek
- Stumptown
- Stumptown
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon-Noblestown
- Sturges
- Suburban Village
- Sudan
- Suedberg
- Sugar Grove
- Sugar Hill
- Sugar Hill
- Sugar Hill Farms
- Sugar Notch
- Sugar Run
- Sugarcreek
- Sugartown
- Sugarvalley
- Sulger
- Sulphur Springs
- Sumerson
- Summer Chase
- Summer Hill
- Summerdale
- Summerhill
- Summerhill
- Summerville
- Summerwind
- Summit
- Summit
- Summit Hill
- Summit Lawn
- Summit Mills
- Summit Station
- Summit View
- Summits Edge
- Sumneytown
- Sun Valley
- Sun Valley
- Sun Valley Mobile Home Park
- Sunbrook
- Sunbury
- Suncliff
- Sundale
- Sunderlinville
- Sundy Place
- Sunflower
- Sunny Ayr Estates
- Sunny Brook Estates
- Sunny Rest Lodge
- Sunny Side
- Sunny Side
- Sunnybrook
- Sunnyburn
- Sunnyland
- Sunnyside
- Sunnyside
- Sunnyside
- Sunnyside
- Sunnyside
- Sunnyside Farms
- Sunol
- Sunrise
- Sunrise
- Sunrise Lake
- Sunset
- Sunset Manor
- Sunset Manor
- Sunset Pines
- Sunset Terrace
- Sunset Valley
- Sunset Valley
- Sunshine
- Sunshine
- Sunville
- Sunwood Farm
- Superior
- Superior
- Suplee
- Surgeon Hall
- Surveyor
- Suscon
- Susquehanna
- Susquehanna Heights
- Susquehanna Manor
- Susquehanna Trails
- Sussex Square
- Sutersville
- Sutton
- Sutton Mill
- Sutton Terrace
- Swales
- Swanville
- Swarthmore
- Swarts
- Swartzville
- Swatara
- Swatara
- Swatara Crest
- Swede Hill
- Swedeland
- Sweden
- Sweden Valley
- Swedesburg
- Swedesford Road
- Swedetown
- Sweeneys Crossroads
- Sweet Briar
- Sweet Valley
- Sweetwater
- Swengel
- Swiftwater
- Swissdale
- Swissmont
- Swissvale
- Switzer
- Swoyersville
- Syberton
- Sybertsville
- Sycamore
- Sycamore Mills
- Sycamore Woods Estates
- Sygan
- Sygan Hill
- Sykesville
- Sylmar
- Sylvan
- Sylvan Dell
- Sylvan Grove
- Sylvan Hills
- Sylvan Hills
- Sylvan Lane
- Sylvania
- Sylvania Heights
- Sylvester
- Sylvis
- Syner