Directory of places beginning with "B"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "B" in the region of North Jutland in Denmark. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from Denmark in the navigation on the left side.
- Baelum
- Bagterp
- Bangsbostrand
- Barmer
- Barsbol
- Basted Hede
- Bastholm
- Bedsted
- Bejstrup
- Biersted
- Binderup
- Birkelse
- Bislev
- Bisnap
- Bitteby
- Bitteby
- Bjergby
- Bjergby
- Bjerget
- Bjerre
- Bjorndrup
- Blaere
- Blaesbjerg
- Bleggrav
- Blenstrup
- Blidstrup
- Blokhus
- Boddum
- Bodkergard
- Boldrup
- Bolle
- Bonderup
- Bonderup
- Borglum
- Borregard
- Borup
- Borup
- Bostedhede
- Bradsted
- Braendskov
- Brarup
- Bratbjerg
- Bratten Strand
- Braulstrup
- Brodlos
- Brodslev
- Brohuse
- Brondbjerg
- Bronden
- Brondum
- Brondum
- Brondum
- Brorstrup
- Brottrup
- Brovst
- Brund
- Brønderslev
- Buddum
- Bygum
- Byrsted
- Byrum
- Bystrup