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KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa
Directory of places beginning with "D"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "D" in the region of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from South Africa in the navigation on the left side.
- Dalibho
- Dalton
- Dannhauser
- Darnall
- Dassenhoek
- Dayeni
- Deemount
- Delville
- Delville
- Denny Dalton
- Denny Dalton
- Densainagar
- Dewdrop
- Deyi
- Dlebe
- Dlebe
- Dlebe
- Dlomodlomo
- Dokodweni
- Dokolwani
- Dolwana
- Dongothuli
- Donnybrook
- Doonside
- Doornhoek
- Doornkloof
- Dragon Peaks
- Drakensberg Garden
- Driefontein
- Droogdal
- Dududu
- Dududu
- Duff's Road
- Dukuza
- Dumenkungwini
- Dunbarton
- Dundee
- Durban
- Durnacol
- Durslade