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Idaho in United States
Directory of places beginning with "L"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "L" in the region of Idaho in United States. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from United States in the navigation on the left side.
- Labelle
- Laclede
- Lacon
- Lago
- Lake
- Lake Fork
- Lakeshore Summer Home Area
- Lakeview
- Lamb Creek
- Lamont
- Lanark
- Landmark
- Landore
- Lane
- Lapwai
- Larson
- Last Chance
- Lava Hot Springs
- Lawman Ford
- Leadore
- Leadville
- Leesburg
- Leland
- Lemhi
- Len Landing
- Lenore
- Lenville
- Leon
- Leone
- Leonia
- Leprouse
- Leslie
- Letha
- Lewiston
- Lewiston Orchards
- Lewisville
- Liberty
- Liberty
- Lidy Hot Springs
- Lifton
- Lightfoot
- Lignite
- Lincoln
- Linden
- Lindsayville
- Linfor
- Little Rock
- Little Sugar Loaf
- Lone Rock
- Long Creek Summit Home
- Lorenzo
- Lost River
- Lost River
- Lotus
- Lower Stanley
- Lowman
- Lucile
- Lund
- Lyman