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Idaho in United States
Directory of places beginning with "C"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "C" in the region of Idaho in United States. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from United States in the navigation on the left side.
- Cabarton
- Cabinet
- Cache
- Calder
- Caldwell
- Camas
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cameron
- Camp Creek Summer Home Area
- Canfield
- Canyon
- Carbon Center
- Cardiff
- Cardiff Mill
- Cardwell
- Carey
- Careywood
- Caribel
- Carmen
- Carrietown
- Cascade
- Castle Rocks
- Castleford
- Cataldo
- Cathedral Pines
- Cavendish
- Cedar
- Cedar Creek
- Cedarhill
- Cedron
- Centerville
- Central
- Central Cove
- Cerro Grande
- Chalk Cut
- Challis
- Chapin
- Chat'u'washa'lqs Bluff
- Chatcolet
- Chausse
- Cherry Creek
- Cherrylane
- Cherryville
- Chesley
- Chester
- Chesterfield
- Chilco
- Chilly
- China Hat
- China Hill
- Chl'ach'alqw Landing
- Chubbuck
- Clagstone
- Clarendon Hot Springs
- Clark Fork
- Clark Tree
- Clarkia
- Clarkson
- Clarksville
- Clawson
- Clayton
- Claytonia
- Clearwater
- Cleft
- Clementsville
- Cleveland
- Clicks
- Cliffs
- Clifton
- Clover
- Cloverdale
- Cobalt
- Cocolalla
- Coeur d'Alene
- Coffee Point
- Colburn
- Coleman
- Collins
- Coltman
- Conant
- Concrete
- Conda
- Conkling Park
- Connor
- Coolin
- Cooper
- Copeland
- Copperville
- Cora
- Corbin Junction
- Cornwall
- Cornwall
- Cotterel
- Cotton
- Cottonwood
- Coulam
- Council
- Cow Creek
- Cox
- Craig Junction
- Craigmont
- Crescent
- Cross Trails
- Crossport
- Crouch
- Crystal
- Crystal
- Culdesac
- Cully Moores
- Culver
- Cuprum
- Curry
- Custer