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Oklahoma in United States
Directory of places beginning with "D"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "D" in the region of Oklahoma in United States. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from United States in the navigation on the left side.
- Dacoma
- Daisy
- Dale
- Damon
- Dane
- Darrow
- Darwin
- Davenport
- Davidson
- Davis
- Dawes
- Dawson
- Dead Women Crossing
- Deer Creek
- Deer Lick Census Designated Place
- Degnan
- Degroat
- Del City
- Dela
- Delaware
- Delhi
- Dempsey
- Denman
- Dennis
- Denny
- Denton
- Dentonville
- Denver
- Depew
- Devol
- Dewar
- Dewey
- Dibble
- Dickson
- Dighton
- Dill City
- Dillard
- Dilworth
- Disney
- Divide
- Dixie Park
- Dixon
- Dodge
- Dog Creek
- Doga
- Doolin
- Dotyville
- Dougherty
- Douglas
- Douglas
- Douthat
- Dover
- Dow
- Doxey
- Drace
- Drake
- Drakes Corner
- Driftwood
- Dripping Springs
- Dripping Springs
- Drumb
- Drummond
- Drumright
- Dry Creek
- Duchess Landing
- Dudley
- Duhringe Pass
- Duke
- Duland
- Dunbar
- Dunbar
- Duncan
- Dundee
- Dunjee Park
- Dunlap
- Durant
- Durham
- Durwood
- Dustin
- Dutton
- Dwight Mission