Directory of places beginning with "B"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "B" in the region of Bretagne in France. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from France in the navigation on the left side.
- Baden
- Baguer-Morvan
- Baguer-Pican
- Baille
- Bain-de-Bretagne
- Bains-sur-Oust
- Bais
- Balanant
- Balaze
- Ban-Gavres
- Bangor
- Bannalec
- Barbary
- Barnabanec
- Barnaou
- Barnenes
- Barullu
- Bas Lanzent
- Bas Quinquis
- Bas-Locoyarn
- Basse Poideviniere
- Baud
- Baulon
- Baye
- Bazouges-la-Perouse
- Bazouges-sous-Hede
- Beauce
- Beaugouyan
- Beaumont
- Beaussais
- Beauvais
- Becherel
- Becleguer
- Bedee
- Beg-Meil
- Beganne
- Begard
- Beignon
- Bel-Air
- Belle-Isle-en-Terre
- Bellee
- Bellevue
- Bellevue
- Bellevue
- Belz
- Berhet
- Berne
- Berric
- Berrien
- Berven
- Besnard
- Betahon
- Betton
- Beuzec-Cap-Sizun
- Beuzec-Conq
- Bezenan
- Bieuzy
- Bignan
- Bille
- Billiers
- Billio
- Binic
- Bleruais
- Blessin
- Bobital
- Bocule
- Bodencs
- Boderel
- Bodevintin
- Bodieu
- Bodilis
- Bodingar
- Bodion
- Bodister
- Bogas
- Bohal
- Bohars
- Bois Daniel
- Bois Morin
- Boisgervilly
- Boistrudan
- Bolazec
- Bonen
- Bonigeard
- Bonne Nouvelle
- Bonnemain
- Bono
- Boqueho
- Bordustard
- Boscadouen
- Boscornou
- Bot Izel
- Bot-Cador
- Bot-Caerel
- Botaval
- Botbodern
- Botcanou
- Bothoa
- Botmel
- Botmeur
- Botrevry
- Botsorhel
- Botven
- Boudilleau
- Boudouguen
- Bouenson
- Bouillard
- Bouis
- Bourbriac
- Bourdonniere
- Bourg-Blanc
- Bourg-des-Comptes
- Bourgbarre
- Bourgon
- Bourseul
- Boutihiry
- Bovel
- Brain-sur-Vilaine
- Brandeneuf
- Branderion
- Brandivy
- Brasparts
- Breal-sous-Montfort
- Breal-sous-Vitre
- Brece
- Brech
- Bregoulou
- Brehan
- Brehand
- Brehec
- Breles
- Brelevenez
- Brelidy
- Breneben
- Brengovel
- Brennilis
- Brest
- Breteil
- Bretouare
- Brie
- Briec
- Brielles
- Brignac
- Brigneau
- Brigneun
- Brignogan-Plage
- Brillac
- Bringal
- Bringolo
- Bron
- Broons
- Broons-sur-Vilaine
- Broualan
- Bruc-sur-Aff
- Brunguen
- Brunphuez
- Brusvily
- Bruz
- Bubry
- Bugueles
- Bugueles
- Buhulien
- Bulat-Pestivien
- Buleon
- Burtulet
- Bénodet