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New York in United States
Directory of places beginning with "L"
This is the list of places beginning with the letter "L" in the region of New York in United States. Select a letter below to see different places within this region or select another region from United States in the navigation on the left side.
- LTS Mobile Home Park
- La Fargeville
- La Salle
- LaFayette
- Lackawack
- Lackawanna
- Lacona
- Lacy Corners
- Ladentown
- Ladleton
- Lafarges Landing
- Lafayette Corners
- Lafayette Morrison Houses
- Lafayetteville
- Lagrange
- Lagrange
- Lagrangeville
- Laidlaw
- Lairdsville
- Lake Bluff
- Lake Bonaparte
- Lake Carmel
- Lake Clear
- Lake Colby
- Lake Country Estates
- Lake Country Mobile Manor
- Lake Delaware
- Lake Delta
- Lake Desolation
- Lake Erie Beach
- Lake George
- Lake Grove
- Lake Hill
- Lake Huntington
- Lake Katonah
- Lake Katrine
- Lake Lincolndale
- Lake Lucille
- Lake Luzerne
- Lake Luzerne-Hadley
- Lake Minnewaska
- Lake Mohegan
- Lake Osiris Colony
- Lake Peekskill
- Lake Placid
- Lake Pleasant
- Lake Purdy
- Lake Ridge
- Lake Ridge
- Lake Ronkonkoma
- Lake Success
- Lake Sunnyside
- Lake Vanare
- Lake View
- Lake View
- Lake View Terrace
- Lakeland
- Lakeland
- Lakemont
- Lakeport
- Lakeside
- Lakeside
- Lakeside
- Lakeside Acres
- Lakeside Grove Mobile Home Park
- Lakeside Mobile Estates
- Lakeside Mobile Home Park
- Lakeside Mobile Home Park
- Lakeside Park
- Lakeside Park
- Lakeside Park
- Lakeview
- Lakeview
- Lakeview
- Lakeview Manufactured Home Community
- Lakeville
- Lakeville
- Lakeville
- Lakewood
- Lakewood Estates
- Lakewood Estates Mobile Home Park
- Lakewood Park
- Lakewood Village
- Lambert Houses
- Lamberton
- Lambs Corner
- Lambs Corner
- Lamont
- Lamoreaux Landing
- Lamplight Court
- Lamplighter Acres
- Lamson
- Lancaster
- Lanesville
- Langdon
- Langford
- Langton Corners
- Lansing
- Lansing
- Lansing Station
- Lansingburgh
- Lansingville
- Laona
- Lapeer
- Laphams Mills
- Lapla
- Larchmont
- Lassellsville
- Latham
- Latham Mobile Home Court
- Lathams Corners
- Lattingtown
- Lattintown
- Laughing Waters
- Laurel
- Laurel Hollow
- Laurel Ridge
- Laurelton
- Laurens
- Lava
- Laverys Corner
- Lawrence
- Lawrence Park
- Lawrence View Mobile Home Park
- Lawrenceville
- Lawrenceville
- Lawrenceville
- Lawtons
- Lawyersville
- Lazy Acres Mobile Home Park
- Le Petit Senegal
- Le Petite Ciel Mobile Home Park
- Le Roy
- Leatherstocking Mobile Home Park
- Lebanon
- Lebanon
- Lebanon Center
- Lebanon Springs
- Ledgewood Park
- Ledyard
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee Center
- Leeds
- Leedsville
- Lees Mobile Home Park
- Leesville
- Lefever Falls
- Lefferts Mill
- Lefrak City
- Lehigh
- Lehigh Valley Junction
- Leicester
- Leisher Mill
- Leisure Village
- Leisure Village Mobile Home Park
- Lemoyne Mobile Home Park
- Lena
- Lenox
- Lenox Basin
- Lenox Park
- Lent Hill
- Lentsville
- Leon
- Leonardsville
- Leonta
- Leptondale
- Leray Trailer Park
- Lester
- Letchworth Estates Mobile Home Community
- Levanna
- Levant
- Level Acres Mobile Home Park
- Levittown
- Lewbeach
- Lewis
- Lewis Corners
- Lewisboro
- Lewiston
- Lewiston Heights
- Lexington
- Liberty
- Liberty Gardens
- Libertypole
- Libertyville
- Lick Springs
- Lidell Corners
- Lido Beach
- Liebhardt
- Lighthouse Beach
- Lil Fair Mobile Home Park
- Lila
- Lily Dale
- Lima
- Lime Kiln
- Lime Lake
- Lime Lake-Machias
- Limerick
- Limerock
- Limestone
- Limestreet
- Lincklaen
- Lincklaen Center
- Lincoln
- Lincoln
- Lincoln Heights
- Lincoln Mobile Home Park
- Lincoln Mobile Homes Court
- Lincoln Park
- Lincoln Park
- Lincoln Park Homes
- Lincolndale
- Lincolnville
- Lindbergh Lawns
- Linden
- Linden Acres
- Linden Hill
- Linden Hill
- Linden-Park
- Lindenhurst
- Lindley
- Lindsley Corners
- Linlithgo
- Linlithgo Mills
- Linwood
- Lisbon
- Liscums Mobile Home Park
- Lisha Kill
- Lisle
- Litchfield
- Lithgow
- Little America
- Little Bow
- Little Britain
- Little Canada
- Little Falls
- Little Falls Mobile Home Park
- Little France
- Little Genesee
- Little Hollow
- Little Italy
- Little Neck
- Little Plains
- Little Rapids
- Little Rock City
- Little Utica
- Little Valley
- Little York
- Little York
- Little York
- Littlerest
- Littleville
- Littleville
- Liverpool
- Livingston
- Livingston Manor
- Livingston Mobile Home Park
- Livingstonville
- Livonia
- Livonia Center
- Lloyd
- Lloyd Harbor
- Lloydsville
- Loch Muller
- Loch Sheldrake
- Lock Berlin
- Locke
- Lockpit
- Lockport
- Lockport Junction
- Locksley Park
- Lockwood
- Locust Grove
- Locust Grove
- Locust Manor
- Locust Point
- Locust Valley
- Lodi
- Lodi Center
- Logan
- Logtown
- Lomala
- Lombard
- Lombardo Mobile Home Community
- Lomond Shore
- Lomontville
- Lone Pine Community Mobile Home Park
- Lonelyville
- Long Acres Mobile Home Park
- Long Beach
- Long Branch
- Long Bridge
- Long Crossing
- Long Eddy
- Long Flat
- Long Lake
- Long Point Cove
- Long View
- Longview
- Longwood
- Loomis
- Loomis
- Loomis Corner
- Loomis Hill
- Loomises
- Loon Lake
- Looneyville
- Lords Corners
- Lordville
- Lorenz Park
- Loring Crossing
- Lorraine
- Lost Valley
- Lost Valley Estates
- Lost Village
- Lotville
- Louden Meadows
- Loudon Heights
- Loudonville
- Loughberry Mobile Home Park
- Louisville
- Louisville Corner
- Lounsberry
- Loveland
- Low Hampton
- Lowell
- Lower Beechwood
- Lower Cincinnatus
- Lower Corners
- Lower East Side
- Lower Genegantslet Corner
- Lower Melville
- Lower Oswegatchie
- Lower Rotterdam Junction
- Lower South Bay
- Lower Town Landing
- Lowerre
- Lowman
- Lowville
- Luce Landing
- Ludingtonville
- Ludlow
- Ludlowville
- Lummisville
- Luther
- Luther Forest
- Lutheranville
- Luzerne
- Lycoming
- Lykers
- Lynbrook
- Lynch Tract
- Lyncourt
- Lyndon
- Lyndon
- Lyndonville
- Lyon Corner
- Lyon Mountain
- Lyons
- Lyons Corners
- Lyons Falls
- Lyonsdale
- Lyonsville
- Lysander
- Lysander New Community